

What to expect?

  • The procedure will only take between 5 and 15 minutes and you can go back to work following the treatment.

  • After the procedure, patients look like they have little mosquito bites, which disappear within 20 minutes. Some may have residual bruising but can be covered by makeup.

  • Some people will experiencing headaches as the neurotoxin takes effect, but should resolve.

  • Botox helps with softening dynamic lines (lines that form with movement of the muscles) but will not get rid of static lines (lines present without any animation).

What to do after Botox?

  • Do not lay flat for at least 90 minutes following the treatment to avoid diffusion of the Botox. The risk is minimal but has clinically been documented to occur.

  • Do not apply pressure or massage the treated areas for 4 hours. You run the risk of moving the product into unwanted areas and causing unwanted effects and paralysis of adjacent muscles.

  • Do not exercise for 24 hours. Exercise increases circulation and may decrease the effect before it settles into the muscle.

When can I see results and how long does it last?

  • The results are usually seen between 3-7 days and last anywhere from 2-6 months.

Does it hurt?

  • Pain is usually minimal since very small needles are used for the injections and there is little downtime.

What areas can be treated?

  • Botox is FDA approved to treat forehead lines, frown lines, and crow’s feet. Off label, the toxin can be used in areas such as the upper lip, nose, lower face, and neck.

What are contraindications?

  • Botox is not for you if you have an allergy to botox, are pregnancy or breastfeeding, or have a history of neurological or muscular disorders such as Myasthenia Gravis, Lou Gehrig's disease, or malignancies.

What are the side effects?

  • Botox is considered safe with minimal risks if injected by a properly trained clinician. You have the risk of eyelid droop, crooked eyebrow, or asymmetrical smile if improperly injected. Significant but rare risks also include difficulty breathing, speaking, and swallowing.


Dermal Fillers

How long does it last?

  • Hyaluronic acid filler will last anywhere from six months to over a year depending on which product is used, how much, and how fast your body metabolizes the product.

What is the downtime?

  • Downtime is minimal, but it is very common to experience mild bruising and swelling at the injection site after treatment. It is important to avoid the sun, workouts, and alcohol intake for 24 hours. Avoid alcohol, aspirin, and supplements that cause the blood to thin (Vitamin E, fish oil, and ginkgo biloba) for a week or two prior to your appointment to minimize bruising. Using arnica gel or cream and ice packs may reduce pain and swelling.

When will I see results?

  • You will see more fullness and smoother skin immediately or within a couple days after injections, but can take up to two weeks for the swelling to fully subside. 

What if I don't like the results?

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers can be dissolved with Hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down the hyaluronic acid.  

Is it safe?

  • Dermal fillers are safe but there are risks of side effects which include swelling, redness, headaches, pain, bruising, tenderness, and lump formation. These symptoms are usually mild in severity and last up to 7 days in the face and 14-18 days in the lips.  

 What are the contraindications?

  • Dermal fillers should be avoided in those who are:

    • Pregnant or breastfeeding

    • Have used medications that thin the blood or prevent clotting

    • Have experienced bad allergies in the past

    • Have an active infection near the site of intended injection

What are the dermal filler products that are offered in the office?

  • Restylane Silk adds volume to lips and smooths lines around the mouth

  • Restylane Kysse is a lip filler designed for flexible movement and natural looking volume. It enhances color and texture of lips

  • Restylane Refyne softens nasolabial folds

  • Restylane Defyne fills deep wrinkles and folds

  • Restylane Lyft adds volume to cheeks and hands

  • Restylane Contour restores natural contour, frees dynamic expression, and enhances your look

  • Juvederm Ultra XC adds desire fullness for plump, naturally looking lips



How many treatments are needed?

  • You may require up to 6 treatments with sessions spaced out once a month. Many patients will see visible results after 2-4 treatments. Once the chin profile has improved, patients may not need to be treated with Kybella again.

Who is a good candidate?

  • This treatment is only meant for small pockets of unwanted fat. Larger areas such as thighs are better treated with noninvasive body contouring devices or surgical liposuction. Kybella is also best for those with good skin elasticity to avoid droopy excess skin when the fat is removed.

What are the possible side effects?

  • You may experience swelling and bruising that will last anywhere from 2 days to 6 weeks depending on how much fat is being treated. There is also a risk of numbness in the injected area lasting from 3 to 6 weeks, with sensation returning gradually over time.

  • In men, there was a link between Kybella and alopecia. The hair loss happened at the site of injection

How long do the results last?

  • When injected into the fat under the chin, Kybella destroys the fat cells. Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat.  

What to expect after?

  • Right after the appointment, you will be able to go back to work or drive home. You should expect to experience swelling and possibly bruising. Do not plan to get Kybella weeks before big events.

  • Some patients experience “jiggling” in their neck area as the area swells and fat dissolves. This may take 5-10 days to significantly reduce but can last up to 1 month. This time frame also depends on how much volume is injected.

Can you workout after?

  • We advise at least no strenuous activity at least 4-5 days following the injection. You want to avoid increasing the amount of blood flow to the injected area, which can increase swelling and delay healing.

How can you reduce swelling after Kybella injections?

  • Ice the area and avoiding green tea, Omegas, and Aspirin will help. You can wear a chin strap or compression garment if you have significant swelling.

When will you see results?

  • Many say you need at least two treatments before you will start to see the full effect. Kybella works over four to six weeks.

Skin Rejuvination


Viora VFR

Are the treatments painful?

  • No, pain is minimal. Topical numbing cream is applied prior to the treatment. Some patients might feel a slight stinging or warm sensation, depending on treatment performed.

How soon can I resume normal activities?

  • Viora’s SVC technology lets you return to your daily routine immediately following treatment.

When will I see results?

  • Results can be visible from the first treatment, although each person is different.

 How many treatment sessions will I need?

  • Typically 3-6 session treatment course is sufficient to achieve long- lasting results, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient. One maintenance session is generally recommended every 6-12 months, or as required.


Viora IPL

Do treatments hurt?

  • With Viora’s contact cooling system, that provides cooling before, during and after each pulse, our light technology treatments provide the most comfortable experiences possible.

How long do the treatments take?

  • Viora’s PCR technology includes variable pulse configurations, enabling rapid treatments, among the fastest in the industry. Exact treatment time can range between 5 to 40 minutes, depending upon the specific application, each individual patient’s condition, and the specific area that is being targeted for treatment.

When will I see results?

  • While each person is different, results for light technology treatments can be seen after the first session.

How many treatments will I need?

  • Typically, the number of treatment sessions range from 1-10 treatments, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient.

How long do the results last?

  • Although in some skin conditions maintenance is not required, in others one maintenance session is generally recommended every 3-6 months.


Viora VST

Do treatments hurt?

  • Viora’s contact cooling system provides the most comfortable experiences possible. And with the ability to target different levels of skin, you’ll never receive more energy than is actually needed. 

How many treatment sessions will I need?

  • Typically the number of treatment sessions range from 4-6 treatments, depending upon the actual application needed, and each patient. The treatments are performed every 2-4 weeks. During your consultation, your treatment plan including the number of sessions will be discussed. 

When will I see results?

  • While each person is different, results for Viora’s RF treatments are visible after the first session.

What should I expect post treatment?

  • Redness and swelling in the treated area is expected and normal reaction. Patients will need to avoid use of hot water and discontinue use of abrasive or harsh products for 2 days. It is important to use high factor sunscreen (at least 30 spf) and protect the treated area from the sun for two weeks following treatment. If you experience superficial crusting or scabbing, do not rub, scratch, or remove the scab. Makeup can be applied immediately after.


Chemical Peels

Do treatments hurt?

  • During the application process, the treatment is painless and comfortable. Slight tingling may be experienced if your skin is sensitive. You may feel a burning sensation on the first night but antihistamine and mild pain relief will help with comfort. The post care kit is complete with step by step instructions on products to use in the am and pm. 

When will I see results?

  • You will usually notice peeling on day 3 with the majority of peeling complete after 6-7 days. If you have Rosacea, you will see results after 10 days.

How many peels do I need?

  • You will usually need 2-3 peels to see results. These peels are spaced out 4-5 weeks apart based on healing. If you have deep scarring, you may need up to 6 treatments with microneedling sessions in between peels.

What is the downtime?

  • The majority of the peeling process occurs over 4 days. You will have a bronze glow on the same day after application as well as day 2. Peeling will start on day 3. Given our current times, you can hide most of the peeling from the public by wearing a hat and clean/new mask.

What are the side effects?

  • VI peels are well tolerated. Some may experience burning or itching, which improves with using the post treatment cream. It is important not to prematurely peel your skin as this will cause hyperpigmentation.



How long is the downtime?

  • Patients will be red after the procedure as if they got a bad sunburn. The redness should subside in the first 24-48 hours. The swelling, sensitivity, and crusting may last from 3-12 days depending on how aggressive your treatment was. Patients are allowed to wash their face 8 hours later and wear makeup the following day.

When will you see results?

  • Most people will notice a change in their skin texture 1 week following the procedure. It is recommended to have at least 3 sessions to see results in deeper wrinkles and acne scars. 

When can I get other procedures done?

  • Microneedling works great when coupled with other treatments such as chemical peels, IPL laser, or facials. It is advised to wait at least 2 weeks between treatments to give the skin time to heal. You will need to wait 2-3 weeks after placing fillers before performing microneedling, but only 3-4 days after microneedling session to place fillers.

What if I have a history of herpes (cold sores)?

  • Please let the practitioner know since this procedure can trigger an outbreak. You will need to be started on an antiviral at least 1 day prior to the procedure.


PDO Threads

Who is a good candidate?

  • This procedure is safe in healthy adults who have maintained their weight for at least 3 months.  It is best for individuals with no prior plastic surgery in the area to be treated and with mild to moderate skin laxity. Those with severe skin sagging are not good candidates and more likely to benefit from surgical intervention. 

Is it safe?

  • Thread lift is safe when performed by a trained practitioner and is FDA cleared.  

What areas can be treated?

  • PDO threads are very versatile and can be used everywhere on the face including forehead lines, eyebrow lift, temples, lower eyelid, cheeks, nasolabial folds (smile lines), corner commissure (marionette lines), skin furrows/wrinkles (neck and cheek), jowls, and double chin. 

Is it painful?

  • Prior to the procedure, topical and local anesthetics are used to ensure no pain during the treatment. The needles are very thin so discomfort should be minimal.

What are the side effects?

  • PDO threads are a low risk procedure but there are side effects and risks. It is not uncommon to experience bruising, swelling, bleeding, and pain at the site of insertion. Some individuals may see dimpling and bunching will improve over 2 weeks.

How long is the downtime?

  • Although you may have swelling and bruising, you may go back to work or whatever you have planned for the day. You should refrain from strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours and limit excessive animation or movement in the area treated. Do not schedule any dental work for 2 weeks as well.

How long do the results last?

  • The threads will dissolve in 6 months but effects may continue for up to a year or longer due to neocollagenesis.


Sylfirm X

What is Sylfirm X?

  • The Sylfirm X is a Dual Wave Radio Frequency Microneedling System that targets skin laxity, fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture, pigmentation and skin rejuvenation. It is the world’s first and only FDA Cleared Pulsed Wave and Continuous Wave Radio Frequency Mironeedling device, trusted by hundreds of practitioners.

What is Radio Frequency?

  • Radio Frequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been found to lead to tighter, younger looking skin. Combined with state-of-the art microneedling, patients experience optimal results.

What does it feel like?

  • The feeling is described by most patients as comfortable with no pain, only a slight tingling sensation with light pressure. Based on the depth and area treated this feeling can vary. Some practitioners may opt to use a numbing cream.

How many treatments do I need?

  • Most physicians nd that two to three treatments, spaced four to six weeks apart provide the optimal experience and outcome for patients. While results can be seen immediately for skin tone and texture, there is also improvement during each treatment session and three months after each treatment session with the process of collagen regeneration increasing over time.

How long is the treatment?

  • The actual treatment takes about 20 to 45 minutes depending on the area to be treated.

How long do the results last?

  • Everyone is different, but the collagen you make is your own and continues accelerated production over three months, lasting up to several years!

Body Treatments


Body Contouring, Cellulite Reduction and Body Skin Tightening

How long does treatment take?

  • With the largest treatment applicator available, your V-FORM treatments are the fastest around. Depending upon the body part and the specific treatment being done, your sessions can be between 15 – 30 minutes.

How many sessions are needed?

  • Each treatment course depends upon the body part and specific treatments being done. Recommended number of sessions for body contouring and cellulite reduction is an average of 3-8 sessions. Treatment intervals are usually 1 treatment per week. Maintenance is 1 treatment every 3-4 months.  

Is it painful?

  • Thanks to the controlled RF energy delivery the treatment is totally pain free. During the treatment you will feel a pleasant heat sensation followed by vacuum massaging. The system equipped with range of RF and vacuum levels to fit its intensity for each patient individually.


Laser Hair Removal

How should I prepare for my appointment?

  • Make sure to shave the area to be treated at least 24 hours before your appointment. Do not wax or use a shaving depilation machine before or during your entire treatment since the laser targets the hair follicle.

When will you see a difference?

  • It usually will take 2-3 weeks after your first session to see a difference, and 8-12 sessions to get full results.

Can I work out after the treatment?

  • No strenuous exercise for 48 hours.


Plasma Pen (Fibroblast)

Is the treatment painful?

  • Depending on the individual’s pain tolerance, this can cause mild to moderate discomfort.  Topical numbing cream is used prior to treatment to help diminish pain experienced. 

How long before I see results?

  • You will see immediate tightening effects in areas with mild skin sagging and progressive improvement over 3 months during neocollagenesis. This does not replace results seen with surgical intervention on moderate to severe skin sagging and loose skin. Some patients will need multiple session based on desired results.

How long is the downtime?

  • Everyone’s rate of healing is different. Patients will typically see swelling immediately after the procedure and around day 3 swelling will improve and the crusts will form. In general, for treatments performed on the face and neck, the crusts should fall off after 7-10 days. Treatments on the body will take about 10-14 days.  

How long do the results last?

  • Results will last from 1-3 years.



Medical Weight Loss

What is the weight loss protocol composed of?

  • The weight loss management protocol includes Naltrexone, Sermorelin, Lipo Trim SL, and MICC injections in combination with a well balanced diet and exercise.

Who is not a candidate for the protocol?

  • Those with allergies to any of the medications, pregnancy, breast feeding, under active thyroid (Sermorelin), chronic liver, or kidney disease will not be treated unless medically cleared by their Primary care physician. Comprehensive lab work will be required prior to starting this protocol.

What is Naltrexone?

  • This medication is a tablet taken nightly and typically used for alcohol and opioid use disorders, but in low doses, is used to assist in weight loss. Low dose Naltrexone (LDN) may help decrease insulin levels, which can improve growth hormone levels in patients. Growth hormone helps the body burn fat and maintain lean muscle mass. LDN helps normalize appetite and reduce hunger. In some studies, LDN reduces general inflammation throughout the body, thus reducing inflammation may make weight loss easier in certain patients.

What are possible side effects of Naltrexone?

  • Some people reported experiencing abdominal cramping, headache, joint or muscle pain, and unusual tiredness. Some less common side effects include chills, constipation, cough, runny nose, sinus problems, sore throat, diarrhea, fast heartbeat, increased thirst, or irritability. When the medication is titrated up in dose, some people report vivid dreams/nightmares

What is Sermorelin?

  • This medication is injected nightly in the subcutaneous tissue. Sermorelin may stimulate the pituitary to produce more of your own body’s growth hormone. Growth hormone production drops naturally as we age. Increased growth hormone can increase development of lean body mass through the development of new muscle cells. Higher growth hormone levels may reduce body fat through lipolysis.

What are potential side effects of Sermorelin?

  • The following have been reported by patients: injection site reactions, headaches, flushing, hyperactivity, dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, change in taste perception, and temporary redness of face and neck

What is Lipo Trim SL (sublingual)?

  • This is a concentrated sublingual oral spray which includes a combination of amino acids and B vitamins. This can help the body convert fat into energy, support the immune system, and reduce cravings.

What are MICC injections?

  • MICC is an acronym for the compounds: L-Methionine, Inositol, Choline, and Cyanocobalamin (B12). These are lipotropin agents which help with the breakdown of fat during metabolism in the body. Often referred to as “fat burning” injections, these components, especially inositol and choline, have been found to improve mental function and feelings of depression.

  • MICC injections are safe, give energy while reducing caloric intake, and are often used in diet plans that initiate additional weight loss and enhance weight loss results.

  • Methionine:  it supports the digestive system by helping to remove heavy metals within the body while breaking down fat deposits thus preventing the possible build-up of fat in arteries.  Methionine can also be converted to cytosine, the precursor of glutathione, which is essential in detoxification of the liver.

  • Inositol: supports the transfer of nutrients at the cellular level and to help maintain proper electrical energy across the cell membrane. In addition, Inositol converts fats into other useful forms of energy and assists in establishing healthy cell membranes thus facilitating nerve impulses.

  • Choline: assists in controlling cholesterol levels in the blood and in controlling weight gain by maintaining healthy cell membranes. Choline has been linked to and directly  associated in the maintenance of the nervous system, assisting memory, and is critical for normal cell membrane structure and function. Choline is the precursor of betaine which helps in liver function and in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

  • Cyanocobalamin:  largest and most complex of all the vitamins as it helps maintain healthy nerve cells and blood cells needed in making DNA, the foundation of all materials in cells. Cyanocobalamin is unique among vitamins since it contains cobalt, a metal ion which works together with pyridoxine and folic acid. It helps you turn carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from food into energy for your cells thus increasing your metabolism and its use in weight loss programs. The benefits of Cyanocobalamin shots include a general reduction in stress, healthier skin, energy level increase, and additional weight loss.

Who is not a candidate for the weight loss protocol?

  • Anyone with chronic liver or kidney issues are not able to be on any of these treatments. You will be required to show recent lab work (within 6 months) prior to starting on the weight loss protocol.


IV Nutrition

Who is not a candidate?

  • Patients with chronic liver, kidney disease, congestive heart failure or end stage renal disease have a potential for serious harm, and thus will not be treated with IV infusions. You will be required to show recent comprehensive laboratory work prior to treatments. 

What to expect?

  • Many people feel great after receiving IV infusions, however, a few patients may feel worse.  Potential symptoms include the following:  Headache, general unwellness, diarrhea, constipation, flu like symptoms, sinus congestion, and/or body aches. 

Why do you have the potential to feel worse?

  • Your cells are dumping stored wastes and toxins into the bloodstream to be excreted via urine, feces, or sweat.

  • Your detox organs are being overworked.  These include your liver, skin, lymphatic system, kidneys, colon, and lungs.

  • Your innate metabolic pathways are being overworked.

What to do after an IV infusion?

  • Avoid alcohol for a while to allow your liver to recover from the toxin load from your cells

  • Drink lots of water to flush things out

  • if you have diarrhea like symptoms, do not take anti-diarrheal medications, but let your body dispose of as much waste as possible

  • If you have constipation-like symptoms, take high dose oral vitamin C and magnesium.  Try a colonic if you’re up for it

What is Myers’ cocktail?

  • This is named after Dr. John Myers who pioneered the use of intravenous nutrition therapy in the 1960’s.  This cocktail helps with immunity boosting, preventative therapy for cold and flu season, reduction of fatigue, sports performance enhancement, and hangover remedy.

  • It contains Magnesium chloride, Dexpanthenol, Thiamine, Riboflavin-5-phosphate, Pyridoxine hcl, Niacinamide, Calcium gluconate, Hydroxocobalamin, and ascorbic acid. 

What supplements are in the Inner beauty IV?

  • This IV contains Ascorbic acid, Olympias Vita complex (B1, B2, B2, B5, and B6), and Biotin

What supplements are in the Brainstorm IV?

  • This IV contains Folic acid with B12, L- Taurine, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid

What supplements are in the Quench IV?

  • This IV contains Ascorbic acid, Olympias Vita Complex (B1, B2, B2, B5, and B6) and Olympias Mineral Blend (Magnesium Chloride, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, and Selenium)

  • What supplements are in the Immunity IV?

  • This IV contains Ascorbic Acid, Vita Complex, and Zinc Chloride

What is NAD+ IV?

  • NAD+ occurs naturally in the body. It plays a major role in the chemical process of generating energy. NAD is probably the most important cofactor for improving mitochondrial function.   Mitochondria are intracellular organelles where micronutrients are converted to energy- rich ATP molecules for the cell. NAD helps the liver break down fats that are essential to provide energy for the body. Boosting NAD may help manage wide spectrum diseases, ranging from diabetes to cancer.  

  • It can be shown  to improve mental clarity, alter ness, concentration, and memory.