Dissolving Lip Filler

needle going into lips

Sometimes it’s due to unsatisfactory results, the filler has migrated over time, or simply because trends change, but regardless, dissolving lip filler has become more popular. One of the best things about using hyaluronic acid injections is they can be dissolved if needed. It’s as easy as a few pokes to hit the reset button on your face if filler isn’t for you.

Lip filler can take 6-12 months to dissolve naturally but if you’re unhappy with how you look, dissolver is for you. It is an enzyme called hyaluronidase that dissolves the hyaluronic acid pretty much right on contact. Although the feeling is brief it can sting or burn when injected. The area is then gently massaged to help increase contact with the solution and the hyaluronic acid. 

What are the risks?

Dissolving lip filler is an incredibly safe procedure and comes with little to no risk. It’s possible you’ll experience swelling or light bruising at the injection site but there are no major risks with this treatment. As long as you aren’t allergic to any of its ingredients.  Please consult us before your appointment to make sure it’s safe for you. 

When is dissolving necessary?

You need to get dissolved when the filler migrates beyond the inner or outer border of the lip, affecting its appearance. The problem is you are not a robot. This means it’s impossible to know exactly how fast your metabolism will break down the filler. At  one-year it is possible to have no filler left or still have noticeable volume from your last session. Because of this, you may be getting filler too often, which builds up over time. Unfortunately, the lip area is very mobile, as we use it every day. This increases the likelihood of the filler migrating outside of the lip border and into the tissue above the lip. Left unaddressed, the filler can continue to migrate either above the lip or below it past the wet-dry border. Some injectors do not suggest dissolving, and they continue to inject over migrated filler; however, the filler they inject just continues to migrate out of the lip. 

What Happens If I Don’t Dissolve My Filler?

As noted above, if you neglect to dissolve lip filler that should be dissolved, the filler will continue to migrate wherever it can. Examples include:

  • It can migrate outside of the border of your lip into the tissues above and invert your lip. 

  • It can migrate inside your lip at the wet-dry border and create a “sausage” effect.

How Often Should You Have Lip Filler Dissolved?

Ultimately, it depends on your unique physiology. If you get regular filler treatments and experience some filler migration, the usual time frame is 3 to 5 years. Although, this is a rough estimate. 

If your lips maintain shape and integrity, you can go as long as you want without dissolving lip filler, as long as you and the injector are happy. However, if the injector assesses your lips and notices a migration of filler or abnormal shape, then they will inform you of the need to dissolve and restart. 

In some situations, filler does not need to be dissolved for 10 years or more. But it is more realistic to have filler dissolved every 5 years if you get it injected regularly. Once the filler is dissolved, you can restart the “building” process in two weeks. If needed you can get a second syringe roughly 4-6 months later before returning to yearly treatments. 

Lip filler can help you achieve the perfect pout. However, dissolving lip filler every few years is a worthwhile addition to your beauty routine if you get treatments regularly. If you need your lips dissolved in the Calabasas area our founder Erin Gordon, M.D. can help you! Simply contact us through our website today to begin the journey to a healthier and happier you.


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