Viora Laser Hair Removal

woman looking under arm

Are you tired of stepping out of the shower and your freshly shaved body already seems to be growing hair back? Do you dream of throwing your razor across the room? If so Viora has a solution for you! 

IPL or laser technology works to remove hair by targeting the melanin (dark pigment) in the hair shaft. The light energy converts to heat and destroys the hair follicle for long-lasting results. Once your sessions begin, hair production will begin slowing. In the treated area you’ll notice hair becoming finer and skin looking rejuvenated.

hair removal process

What is laser hair removal?

The treatment is effective for eliminating unwanted hair. Unlike shaving or waxing, laser hair removal stops growth at its source, delivering pulses of concentrated energy deep into the hair shaft. As the emitted energy safely passes through your skin and other tissues, it is absorbed by the pigment within the targeted hair follicles. This damages them to prevent future regrowth. Compared to other hair removal techniques, laser hair removal offers several advantages, including:

  • 80 to 90 percent permanent hair growth reduction

  • Longest lasting results of any hair removal method

  • No need to shave, wax or pluck unwanted hair

To ensure maximum effectiveness, the device settings are calibrated depending on the color and coarseness of your hair, providing an individualized treatment. Laser hair removal can also be used almost anywhere on the body, with common treatment areas including the face, chest, legs, arms and bikini area.

How to prepare for a treatment

Before your treatment make sure the treatment area is clean shaven. This will increase the effectiveness and comfort during the appointment. Be sure to avoid direct sun exposure for two weeks before and after the treatment. Make sure to plan your appointments strategically with any outdoor events or vacations you have planned. It is important to not use any other methods of hair removal other than shaving between treatments. Avoid waxing and pulling to increase effectiveness.

Does it hurt?

Thanks to Viora’s Proprietary PCR Technology and advanced contact cooling the treatment is tolerable and no numbing will be needed.

Because there is cooling before, during, and after each pulse the treatment is comfortable. You may feel a slight sting or heat sensation. However, this is normal and tolerable. 

How many sessions do I need?

Viora™ Hair Removal treatments are typically administered in a series of six to ten sessions, with each session every four to ten weeks depending on area being treated. Significant hair reduction may already be visible after the second session and you can expect to continue to experience excellent long-term results.  Once you complete your initial series, you may need touch ups yearly to continue to prevent hair growth. 

before and after chest hair

Who is not a candidate?

Viora™ Hair Removal treatments are not effective on blonde, fine hair and waxing/shaving are better choices for light hair.  Also, laser hair removal should not be performed on pregnant women or those on acne medications such as Accutane.  

If you need laser hair removal in the Calabasas area our founder Erin Gordon, M.D. can help you! Simply contact us through our website today to begin the journey to a healthier and happier you.


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